Server Side Installation

This 'server side' step if only necessary if you plan to use Goozzee as a multi-user documentation repository. In this case, you'll have to store data on a Mysql database server. This step describes the initialization of the repository on the database server.

I. Creating the database

The installation requires a running Mysql or MariaDB database server (>=5.5. Note : If you want to use an earlier version of Mysql, you'll have to recompile the database plug-in with a corresponding version of the libmysqlclient library ).

Linux and Mac OSX

To initialize the repository, copy the initMysqldb.bsh and initMysqldb.sql files onto the database server. You must execute initMysqldb.bsh as root, unless your user has administrative rights on Mysql. This script will :
  • create a new database,
  • create the first Goozzee user – the administrator, the only one who will be allowed to create new users,
  • populate the database with some necessary topics and associations.
The script asks you 5 questions :
  • the path to your Mysql installation (i.e. the directory containing the mysql executable), if it can't find it automatically
  • the password needed to connect to the database server with the root account
  • the name of the database you want to create
  • a secret string that will be used to help securing Goozzee passwords
  • the name of the first user to create, and his password.
That's all that must be done on the server side.


If your Mysql server is sitting on a Windows machine, you'll have to use the iniMysqlWIndows.sql file to initialize your Goozzee repository.
First, you'll have to edit this file and replace a few string according to your likings :
  • $DBNAME should be replaced by the name of the database you want to create.
  • $USERNAME should be replaced by the name of the first Goozzee user that will be created during the initialization. Beware that this user will be the administrator of your repository, and you won't be able to rename it afterwards.
  • $PASSWORD should be replaced by the password of this user
  • $PREFIX should be replaced by a secret string that will be used to enforce the passwords security.
Once this is done, copy this file on your database server, and run the following command :
    mysql -u root < initMysqlWindows.sql
Your repository should now be initialized.

II. Special Mysql configuration

Mysql can store documents as large as 4GB. But this is not enabled by default : in your Mysql ini file, you must set the max_allowed_packet option. For example :
will set the maximum blob size to 16 Mbytes.

What's more, you can tune the full text searches, by telling Mysql the minimum word size to take into account when building its full text indexes. In your Mysql ini file, set the following option :
Here, for example, we tell Mysql to index words as short as 3 characters. Setup