Goozzee's First Run

Once installation is done, you may wish to run Goozzee :-)

On Windows computers, launch the GoozzeePE.exe located in the bin directory On Linux machines, go to the src/PE directory and type ./goozzeePE. If you use a Mac OSX computer, just double-click the icon.

This will bring up the login dialog.
Login screen
Since it's your first run, Goozzee will propose you to log into some Default repository. If you click the OK button, a single-user repository will be created on your hard drive, and you will connect to it.

Of course, you can decide not to use the default reporitory, and define your own. To do it, just click on the Pencil button to open the configuration screen :

Login screen

Here, you can create, delete or modify repositories. This can be handy if, for example, you want to separate your professional knowledge base from your private one.
Keep in mind that each repository is a separate database instance. And Goozzee can only access the data from one repostory at a time.

When creating a new connection, you just have to fill two fields :
  • Connection name : the name that will appear in the list of connections, on the login screen
  • Database name : the name of the database that will be created in your directory.