Multi-user vs Single-user

Two distinct Goozzee versions can be installed :
  • Personal Edition : a single-user knowledge base where data is stored locally on your computer, without the need of any database software.
  • Network Edition a multi-user documentation repository where data is hosted on a Mysql database server
The multi-user version allows a group of people to easily share their knowledge in a common repository. But, as in any multi-user system, security restrictions can be applied to protect confidential data. In GoozzeeNE, each user owns the topics he creates and the documents he uploads. What's more, as the owner, he can define who will be allowed to view or modify a specific topic or a specific document. This allows the creation of some private areas in the knowledge base, that only one user -- or one group of users -- can see.
In the single-user version, this User notion completely disappears : you won't have to enter a user/password to log into the application, and of course you will be allowed to see all the topics, since you will own them all.

Before starting to enter data, you must choose if you want your knowledge base to be single- or multi- user, since switching afterwards between the two won't be an easy process, and will require good Mysql & Goozzee knowledge.
Both solutions share the very same features (except for security which is much simplified in the single-user version). They mainly differ by where you setup your repository.

Personal Edition setup

In single-user mode, you don't need to setup any database server. The database engine is embedded in the MysqlEmbedded plug-in. This plug-in will create a database locally on your computer, but only you will be able to access it. So the setup will be much easier, but you won't be able to share your knowledge base with others.

Network Edition setup

For a multi-user usage, you'll have to setup a Mysql database server, either on your computer, or – ideally – on a remote machine.

To help you choose between single- and multi-user modes, here are the pros and cons of each mode :
  • Personal Edition :
    • + easier to install : no need for a database server, you just choose the MysqlEmbedded plug-in to connect to your repository, it will create the database for you, and you're ready to go.
    • + performance might be better : no need for any network communication between your computer and a database server, since your repository is located on your computer.
    • + simplified security : no users, no groups, no need to login with a user/password.
    • + same features as multi-user Goozzee.
    • - impossible to share your repository with other users.
    • - migrating your repository from single-user to multi-user will be pretty complex.
  • Network Edition :
    • + sharing : the repository can be shared with other users on your network
    • + security : you can define areas of your repository that will remain private to some user(s) or group(s).
    • + same features as the single-user version. Setup is more complex, since it requires the installation of a Mysql database server, either on your local computer or on a remote machine.
    • - performance : the network communications with the database server might slow down Goozzee, depending on the performance of your network and database server.